Use this subtask to view labor/subcontract routings for this MO. Information for each field defaults from the main screen and is established in the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen and Costpoint Routings.


This field displays the manufacturing order number from the main screen.


This field displays the warehouse in which the MO is being built.


This field displays the part ID for which the MO was created.


This field displays the revision level of the part.

Build Quantity

This field displays the quantity of the part being built with this MO.

Table Window

Operation Sequence

This field displays the operation sequence number of the routing step entered in the Routing subtask of the Enter Manufacturing Orders screen. You can also maintain this field in Costpoint Routings. This number is limited to four digits.

Alternate Operation

This field displays an alternate operation sequence if the Include Alternate Operations check box is selected in the Routings subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen, and the alternate operations sequence is entered in the Alt Op field. The default is zero for the main operation or new line. This number is greater than zero for an alternate operation.

Operation Step

This field displays the step number of the routing operation.

Work Center

This field displays the name of the work center for the operation.


This field displays the code of the labor or subcontractor operation being performed on this routing step.

Operation Type

This field displays the operation type code.

SFC Operation

The check box in this field is selected if this MO Routing operation requires you to record completion in SFC. This check box is populated with the setting from the SFC Operation field in the Routings subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen, and can also be maintained in Costpoint Routings.

QC Operation

The check box in this field is selected if this MO Routing operation requires QC approval in Shop Floor Control. This check box is populated with the setting from the QC Step field in the Routings subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen, and can also be maintained in Costpoint Routings.


This field displays L (Labor) if the operation is to be performed in-house, and S (Subcontractor) if it is to be performed by an outside vendor.


This field displays the name of the operation.

Planned Start Date

This field displays the date when the routing step should be started. It is populated with the date from the Planned Start Date field in the Routings subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen.

Start Date

This field displays the date when the routing was started. It is populated with the date from the Start Date field in the Routings subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen.

Need Date

This field displays the date by which this routing step needs to be completed. It is populated with the date from the Need Date field in the Routings subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen.

Due Date

This field displays the date by which this routing step must be completed. It is populated with the date from the Due Date field in the Routings subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen.

Completion Date

This field displays the date the routing step was completed.

Completed Quantity

This field displays the total completed quantity for the particular routing operation selected on the main screen.

Accepted Quantity

This field displays the total quantity accepted for the line in the MO routing line.

Rejected Quantity

This field displays the total quantity rejected for the line in the MO routing line.

MRB Quantity

This field displays the total quantities in the MRB type of locations for the MO routing line.

Process Type

This field is populated with the process type code for this routing from the Process Type field in the Routings subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen. When you enter the routing line on the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen, this information defaults from the Work Center or Operations field on the Manage Routings or Release Routings screens in Costpoint Routings, to match your selection of the Work Center or the Operation option on the Configure Routing Settings screen.

Run Type

This field displays V if run hours are calculated on a per unit basis, or F if it is not based on order size. The run type entered for this routing is populated from the Run Type field in the Routing subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen, and can also be maintained in Costpoint Routings.

Unit Run Hours

This field displays the number of operation hours it takes to complete one unit in this routing step (if the Run Type is V) or the number of hours it takes to complete the operation for the order (if the Run Type is F). Unit run hours are established in the Operations menu in Costpoint Routings, and are populated from the Unit Run Hours field in the Routings subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen.

Setup Hours

This field displays the setup time in hours required for this routing step. It is populated from the Setup Hours field in the Routings subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen, and can be maintained in the Work Center Detail subtask of the Manage Work Centers screen Costpoint Routings.

Total Run Hours

This field displays the total run hours required to complete all units in this routing step. If the Run Type is V, where run hours are calculated on a per unit basis, total run hours equal the total build quantity on the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen * Unit Run Hours.

Operation Overlap Type

This field displays the settings from the OP Overlap Type drop-down list in the Routings subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen, in which the type of overlap for starting this operation before the previous operation finishes is displayed: H (Hours), N (None), S (Setup), or U (Units).

Operation Overlap Quantity

This field displays the amount in hours or units in which the start of this operation can overlap the previous operation. The overlap quantity originally displays from Costpoint Routings; however, information defaults from the Op Overlap Quantity field in the Routings subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen.


This field displays free-form text notes relating to this routing step.

User Def 1

This field has a user-defined label set up on the Configure Routing Settings screen in Costpoint Routings. This field displays if you have defined a label.

User Def 2

This field has a user-defined label set up on the Configure Routing Settings screen in Costpoint Routings. This field displays if you have defined a label.

User Def 3

This field has a user-defined label set up on the Configure Routing Settings screen in Costpoint Routings. This field displays if you have defined a label.