Use this subtask to view the transaction currency for the sales order, by sales order and customer. This subtask displays multicurrency functions set up on the Enter/Manage Sales Orders screen. Refer to the Exchange Rates subtask of the Enter/Manage Sales Orders screen for information on transaction and functional currency entries.

Use this subtask to view multicurrency information regarding a sales order or customer.

Transaction Currency

The value in this field loads from the Exchange Rates subtask of the Enter/Manage Sales Orders screen. This field displays one of the system-defined transaction currencies. If the transaction and functional currencies are the same, the Rate and Trans to Func fields in the Transactional Currency to Functional Currency Exchange Rate Info group box default to "1.0000000" and "0.0000000", respectively.

Rate Group

This field displays the default rate group from the Exchange Rates subtask of the Enter/Manage Sales Orders screen.

Transaction Currency to Functional Currency Exchange Rate Info

This group box displays transaction and functional currency exchange rate information of the sales order for approval. The Rate and Trans to Func fields default to the conversion rate specified on the Exchange Rates subtask of the Enter/Manage Sales Orders screen.

Rate Date

This field displays the date or period in which the exchange rate should be used for this sales order.


This field displays the actual exchange rate between the Rate Group and Transaction Currency fields. For transaction to functional currency exchange rates, the exchange rate for non-Euro currencies loads. However, if you are using the Euro currency, the product of transaction currency to Euro; and Euro to functional currency exchange rates displays. If the sales order uses Euro for both the transaction and functional currency, Costpoint disables this field.

Freeze Rate

You cannot modify this check box on this subtask.

If this check box is selected, the system halts any activity associated with the exchange rate information referenced in this subtask. This suspension occurs after a transaction is posted.

In this circumstance, Costpoint ignores any subsequent updates to the exchange rate throughout the life of this record. In this case, all evaluations of this record are based on the exchange rate at the time the transaction posted.

For example, if the Rate field displays .2000000, as it relates to the Dutch Gilder (NLG) and U.S. Dollar (USD) transaction to functional exchange rate, this value will not change as long as the Freeze Rate check box is selected. Even if the actual, real-time rate fluctuates, the data in this subtask remains constant.

Trans to Func

This field displays the transaction to functional currency rate on the Exchange Rates subtask of Enter/Manage Sales Orders screen. If you are using the Euro currency, this field displays Transaction currency to Euro exchange rate; and the product of transaction currency to Euro and Euro to functional currency exchange rates displays. Costpoint disables this field if the sales order uses Euro as both the transaction and functional currency.

Find Rates

You cannot use this button on this subtask.

You can use this button in the Exchange Rates subtask of Enter/Manage Sales Orders screen to refresh the fields and retrieve updated exchange rate information, using data in the Transaction Currency, Rate Group, and Rate Date fields.


This field displays as Euro to Func if you are using Euro currency; however, if you use transaction to functional direct conversion, this displays as a blank field.