Use this subtask to view details about the MPR- and MPS-generated planned demand created by planned orders.
This field displays the ID of the part in the selected inventory record.
This field displays the part revision number of the selected inventory record.
This field displays the default or inventory unit of measure for the selected part.
This field displays the ID of the project in the selected inventory record.
This field displays the name of the project.
This field displays the sum of all the planned order requirements shown in the table, even though they may be for different inventory abbreviations within the same project.
This field displays either MRP or MPS to indicate whether the requirement was generated from an MRP planned order or an MPS planned order.
This field displays the manually assigned order or requisition ID (if available) of the planned order that created this planned requirement for the part.
This field displays the warehouse where the requirement is planned.
This field displays the quantity of the planned order.
This field displays the date on which the part is needed.
This field displays the inventory abbreviation associated with the planned order demand.
This field displays the name of the inventory abbreviation associated with the planned order demand.
This field displays the planner ID of the person responsible for the planned order.
This field displays the assembly part whose planned order created the demand for the component part shown in the header.
This field displays the revision of the assembly part whose planned order created the demand for the component part shown in the header.
This field displays the description of the assembly part whose planned order created the demand for the component part shown in the header.
This field displays the order number referenced by the planned order.
This field displays the type of order referenced by the planned order.
This field displays the selection status of the planned order: Firm, Released, or Not Selected.
This field displays the date and time on which the planned order was created.
This field displays the configuration for which the selected part is being built.