Use this screen to define the options you will use when operating Costpoint Material Requirements Planning. Most of the parameters control how MRP will perform its functions, but you can use the Default Values group box to define default values for planned orders.

The MRP Settings application consists of the Settings block and the Corporate Settings block. The Settings block contains all the company settings that relate to MRP processes for the company to which your user ID is assigned. The Corporate Settings block contains all the corporate-wide MRP process settings, which you can modify if your user ID is assigned to the matching company ID. Otherwise, these corporate settings are display-only. If you select the Process MRP by Company check box in the Corporate Settings block and execute the MRP process (via the Update Material Requirements Plan screen), Costpoint will update MRP data separately for each company. If you unselect the Process MRP by Company check box and execute the MRP process, Costpoint will update MRP data for all companies.

If you clear the Process MRP by Company check box, and the Separate Items by Company check box is cleared in the Configure Product Definition Settings screen in Costpoint Product Definition, you can plan materials requirements for all companies by selecting the Plan MRP by Company check box. If you plan materials requirements for all companies, you can use the excess supply of one company to meet the requirements of another. This will affect only common stock parts (where the Common Stk check box is selected in the Planning subtask of the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition) and project inventory for which the All Projects MRP Project Planning Option is selected (in the Inventory Projects screen in Costpoint Inventory). After you execute MRP, the company planning option will also determine whether different users can see other companies' supply and demand.



Use this block to establish company settings that relate to MRP processes.

Exclude Customer Repair MOs as Supply

Select this check box to exclude customer repair Manufacturing Orders (MOs) as a source of MRP supply.

Plan Partially Released MBOMs

Select this check box to include partially released manufacturing bills of material when creating requirements.

Calculate Estimated Cost of Planned Orders/Messages

Select this check box to have Costpoint Material Requirements Planning calculate the estimated cost of planned orders and exception messages.

Match Supply to Demand Dates before Rescheduling

Use this check box to match the available supply with the demand dates that fall within the threshold that was set up for early/late filters when you generate material requirement plans.

Process Purchase Orders before Requisitions

Select this check box to prioritize purchase orders over requisitions. If this is selected, during the MRP process, requisitions will be allocated only after all POs are allocated, regardless of the requisition due dates. Any supply orders left over are decreased or cancelled, and applied to requisitions before purchase orders. There is no change to how other supply types are processed.

Minimum Lot Size Allocation - Buy

Use the drop-down list to select how extra quantities of purchased parts will be allocated if minimum lot size conditions exist. Options are:

Minimum Lot Size Allocation - Make

Use the drop-down list to select how extra quantities of manufactured parts will be allocated if minimum lot size conditions exist. Options are:

Planner Assignment

Use the drop-down list to select how planners are assigned by the material requirements planning (MRP) process.

If these PC Setting options are not available, the planner assignment defaults to the planner assignment from gross requirement or from MRP Settings Default Planner.

Include as Demand

Use this group box to specify options you want to include as demand.

Pending Sales Orders

Select this check box to include pending or in-approval sales orders as a source of MRP demand.

Pending Inventory Requests

Select this check box to include pending inventory requests as a source of MRP demand.

Safety Stock

Select this check box to include project safety stock as a source of MRP demand.

Action Message Screen

Use this group box to specify action message screen options.

Allow MO Maintenance

Select this check box to allow maintenance of manufacturing orders in the Maintain MRP Action Messages screen.

Allow PO Maintenance

Select this check box to allow maintenance of purchase orders in the Maintain MRP Action Messages screen.

Allow Reservation Maintenance

Select this check box to allow maintenance of reservations in the Maintain MRP Action Messages screen.

Sales Order Packing Lead Time (Days)

Use this field to enter the days needed to pack the parts required on sales orders. This will be subtracted from the ship-by date to determine the need date.

Apply Order Policy Rules during MRP

Use this drop-down list to choose how to apply part order policy rules when executing the Update Material Requirements Plan application. Valid options are All Parts, Assemblies Only, and None.

Planning Warehouse Assignment

Use this drop-down list to select the method you want to use for assigning the warehouse into planned orders that are generated by MRP and MPS processes.

Substitute Part Planning Options

Plan Substitute Part

Select this check box to include planning for substitute parts.


Use this drop-down list to select whether to use Project Substitute Parts, Substitute Parts, or both when planning for substitute parts. The valid options are:

Use Interchangeable Substitute Parts Only

Select this check box to use interchangeable substitute parts only for planning.

Use Part Planning Order

Select this check box to use the substitute part planning order setting at the part level. If you select this check box, then the Subst. Part Planning Order field on the Planning Details subtask of the Manage Parts screen becomes enabled and editable.

Part Planning Order

Use this drop-down list to select from the following planning order options:


Manufacturing Orders

Select this check box to include manufacturing orders when planning for substitute parts.

Sales Orders

Select this check box to include sales orders when planning for substitute parts.

Inventory Reservations

Select this check box to include inventory reservations when planning for substitute parts.

Po/Req Reservations

Select this check box to include purchase order or requisition reservations when planning for substitute parts.

Default Values

Use this group box to specify default values.

Combine Planned Orders - Buy Parts

Select this check box to set the default to combine planned orders with each other for parts purchasing.

Combine Planned Orders - Make Parts

Select this check box to set the default to combine planned orders with each other for parts manufacturing.

Req Approval Process

Use this field to enter, or use to select, the requisition approval process to be assigned to requisitions if an approval process cannot be automatically assigned.


Use this field to enter, or use to select, the planner to be assigned to requisitions and manufacturing orders if a planner cannot be automatically assigned.

Transfer Reservation Type

Use the drop-down list to select the transfer type to be assigned to the transfer reservation created in Costpoint Material Requirements Planning. Options are Standard and Borrow/Payback.

Create Transfer Reservation Action Message

Select this check box to automatically create transfer reservation action message.

Suppress Common Inventory Transfer Message

Select this check box to suppress action messages for transfer reservations made from common inventory projects.

MRP Option Code

Use this drop-down list to select the default MRP option code to be assigned to new inventory projects. Available options are:

Project Preference

Use this drop-down list to identify the sequence of using the excess available quantities for the projects within the same planning group. Initially, MRP process checks the project’s planning group (by netting group, top-level, and all projects).

If Most Available Qty option is selected, then transfers are done from projects with the most available excess quantity followed by the next most available excess quantity and so on.

If Least Available Qty option is selected, then transfers are done from projects with the least available excess quantity followed by the next least available excess quantity and so on.

This drop-down list is active only if either the Plan Substitute Part and/or Create Transfer Reservation Action Message check box is selected.

Default MRP Action Message Types

Planned Order

Select this check box to default Planned Order message types as selected on the Manage MRP Action Messages screen.

Cancel Order

Select this check box to default Cancel Order message types as selected on the Manage MRP Action Messages screen.

Decrease Quantity

Select this check box to default Decrease Quantity message types as selected on the Manage MRP Action Messages screen.  


Select this check box to default Reschedule message types as selected on the Manage MRP Action Messages screen.

Substitute Part

Select this check box to default Substitute Part message types as selected on the Manage MRP Action Messages screen.

GFM Planned Orders

Select this check box to default GFM Planned Orders message types as selected on the Manage MRP Action Messages screen.

Inactive Inventory

Select this check box to default Inactive Inventory message types as selected on the Manage MRP Action Messages screen.  

Exceeds Max Qty

Select this check box to default Esceeds Max Qty message types as selected on the Manage MRP Action Messages screen.

ECN Pending

Select this check box to default ECN Pending message types as selected on the Manage MRP Action Messages screen.

Transfer Reservation

Select this check box to default Transfer Reservation message types as selected on the Manage MRP Action Messages screen.

Corporate Settings

Use this block to establish all corporate MRP settings. These options are disabled if your user ID does not have maintenance rights for the company ID when you first log into Costpoint.

Process MRP by Company

Select this check box to run the MRP process separately for each company.

Plan MRP by Company

Select this check box to plan MRP supply and demand separately by company.

Use Common Inventory

Select this check box to allow using of parts in common inventory.

Allow Net Change MRP

Select this check box to allow the system to execute the "Net Change" mode (see the Update Material Requirements Plan screen), provided that the MRP Regeneration Flag is N (No). If you do not select this check box, MRP must be run in Full Regeneration mode. Once you have selected this check box, you must run MRP in Full Regeneration mode one more time to ensure that net-change flags have been set properly.

You cannot modify the MRP Regeneration flag's (MRP_REGEN_FL in the MRP_SETTINGS_CORP table) value directly in Costpoint. You can change this value to Y (Yes) or N (No) only in SQL. Please contact your System Administrator or Costpoint Technical Support for assistance before modifying any data in SQL.

Plan Warehouse Separately

Select this check box to separate all MRP supply and demand by warehouse. If you select this option, you will need to load warehouses on all inventory requisition and Purchase Order (PO) lines. To do this, use the Assign Project Planning Warehouses to Req and PO Lines toolkit.

Plan MPS Part Requirements

Select this check box to plan parts that have an MPS Planning Type in the Planning subtask of the Manage Parts screen in Product Definition. If you select this check box, the MRP process will generate action messages and planned orders as if they were flagged as MRP planned parts. Planning MPS parts in the MRP process will eliminate any outstanding MPS planned orders and action messages for that part and replace them with the appropriate MRP equivalent.

Generate MRP Log File

Select this check box to create an MRP log file during the MRP process for support purposes.