Use this subtask to view information on open vouchers. These vouchers have not been posted to the G/L.
This field displays the identification code of the currently selected requisition.
This field displays the approval status of the currently selected requisition.
This field displays the trans currency code assigned to the currently selected requisition.
This field displays the currently selected requisition line number.
This field displays the status of the currently selected requisition line.
This field displays the type of the currently selected requisition line.
This field displays the purchase order number of the selected.
This field displays the release number for this PO.
This field displays the number currently selected PO line.
This field displays the trans currency code assigned to this PO.
This field lists all open vouchers associated with the selected purchase order line.
This field displays the voucher number associated with the purchase order line.
This field displays the line number on this voucher.
This field displays the pay vendor for this voucher.
This field displays the vendor invoice number.
This field displays the vendor invoice date.
This field displays the invoiced quantity.
This field displays the unit cost from the invoice.
This field displays the extended amount from the invoice.
This field displays the line charges from the invoice.
This field displays the sales tax/VAT amount from the invoice.
This field displays the use tax/reverse amount from the invoice.
This field displays the line amount from the invoice.
This field displays Y if this voucher is on hold and is not eligible for automatic approval or posting. Otherwise, this field displays N.
This field displays Y if this voucher was approved. Otherwise, this field displays N.
This field displays the employee ID of the approver.
This field displays the date on which this voucher was approved.
This field displays the check number issued for this voucher.
This field displays the date the check was issued.
This field displays the pay currency code used on the check.
This field displays the amount stated on the check.
This field displays the discount taken on the check.
This field displays the fiscal year on which the check is to be posted.
This field displays the period on which check is to be posted.
This field displays the subperiod on which check is to be posted.
This field displays the fiscal year with which this voucher is posted.
This field displays the period with which this voucher is posted.
This field displays the subperiod with which this voucher is posted.