Use this subtask to view inventory abbreviation detail for a selected part and project.


This field displays the ID of the part in the selected inventory record.


This column displays the revision number for the inventory record part.


This field displays the default or inventory unit of measure for the selected part.


This field displays the description for the part.


This field displays the project ID associated with the inventory record.

Project Name

This field displays the name of the project.

Table Window

This table displays summary-level inventory abbreviation information for the part and project selected on the main screen. To see location detail information for a selected part/inventory abbreviation, highlight the line for which you want additional information. Click the Proj Loc link to expand the inquiry accordingly.

Inventory Abbreviation

This field displays the inventory abbreviation for the selected inventory record.

Inv Abbrev Name

This field displays the inventory abbreviation name for the selected inventory record.

Account Type

This field displays the account type of the associated inventory abbreviation. The possible values are Expense, Assets, or Government Furnished.

Inventory Type

This field displays the inventory type of the associated inventory abbreviation. The available types are Raw Matl or Fin Goods.

Net Available Quantity

This column displays the quantity of parts for the selected part and project that are available for use. Costpoint calculates this value by adding the On Hand Quantity, In Inspection Quantity, In Shipping Quantity, On Order Quantity, Requisition Quantity, Owed Quantity, Planned Owed Qty, and In MRB Quantity (only if you selected the Incl MRB as Available Inventory check box on the Configure Production Control Settings screen), and then subtracting the Reserved Quantity and Planned Reserved Qty values.

On Hand Quantity

This field displays the quantity of parts in on-hand locations for the selected inventory abbreviation.

In Inspection Quantity

This field displays the quantity of parts received but not yet accepted or rejected for the selected inventory abbreviation. It also includes inventory in re-inspection locations.

In MRB Quantity

This field displays the quantity of parts in MRB (Materials Review Board) locations for the selected inventory abbreviation.

In Shipping Quantity

This field displays the quantity of parts in shipping locations for the selected inventory abbreviation.

On Order Quantity

This field displays the quantity of parts on order for the selected inventory abbreviation.

Requisition Quantity

This field displays the quantity of parts on requisition for the selected inventory abbreviation.

Reserved Quantity

This field displays the quantity of parts that have been reserved for the selected inventory abbreviation.

Owed Quantity

This field displays the quantity of parts for the selected inventory abbreviation that are owed to it from another inventory abbreviation from transfer reservations.

Planned Reserved Qty

This field displays the quantity of parts on non-approved inventory requests.

Planned Owed Qty

This field displays the quantity of parts for the selected inventory abbreviation that are owed to it on non-approved transfer inventory requests from another inventory abbreviation.

On Hold Quantity

This field displays the quantity of parts in on-hold locations for the selected inventory abbreviation.

Cost Method

This field displays the cost method for the selected project. The only cost method currently available is Average Actual.

Material Direct Cost

This field displays the cost per unit amount of material for the selected part/inventory abbreviation record.

Labor Direct Cost

This field displays the cost per unit amount of labor for the selected part/inventory abbreviation record.

Subcontract Direct Cost

This field displays the cost per unit amount of subcontracted services for the selected part/inventory abbreviation record.

Misc1 Direct Cost

This field displays the cost per unit amount of miscellaneous 1 expense for the selected part/inventory abbreviation record.

Misc2 Direct Cost

This field displays the cost per unit amount of miscellaneous 2 expense for the selected part/inventory abbreviation record.

Material Burden Cost

This field displays cost per unit amount of material burden for the selected part/inventory abbreviation record. Material burden is the cost added to cover overhead expenses.

Labor Burden Cost

This field displays the cost per unit amount of labor burden for the selected part/inventory abbreviation record. Labor burden is the cost added to cover overhead expenses.

Subcontract Burden Cost

This field displays the cost per unit amount of subcontract burden for the selected part/inventory abbreviation record. Subcontract burden is the cost added to cover overhead expenses.

Misc1 Burden Cost

This field displays the cost per unit amount of miscellaneous 1 burden for the selected part/inventory abbreviation record. Miscellaneous 1 burden is the cost added to cover overhead expenses.

Misc2 Burden Cost

This field displays the cost per unit amount of miscellaneous 2 burden for the selected part/inventory abbreviation record. Miscellaneous 2 burden is the cost added to cover overhead expenses.

Inv Qty

This field displays the inventory on hand quantity for the selected part and inventory abbreviation.

Total Unit Cost

This field displays the total of all cost elements as the total unit cost for the selected part and inventory abbreviation.

Extended Cost

This field displays the total of the Inv Qty multiplied by the unit cost for the selected part and inventory abbreviation.

Expediting Notes

This field displays the most recent revision of the expediting notes associated with the selected part/inventory abbreviation.

These notes are entered in the Requirements subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen in Costpoint Production Control. For a given part/revision and inventory abbreviation, the most recent notes display.




Proj Loc

Click this link to open the Proj Loc subtask to view inventory abbreviation location detail for a part.