Use this subtask to view serial/lot information for the selected transaction line.
These fields load from the main screen and cannot be modified.
The field displays the variance quantity for the line.
This field displays the serial/lot quantity assigned to the line.
Click this button to load the serial/lot information associated with the part.
This column displays the serial number originally assigned to the part.
This column displays the lot information number originally assigned to the part.
This column displays the actual count quantity of the part on the selected transaction line.
This column displays the pre-count quantity of the part on the selected transaction line.
This column displays the part variance quantity. Variance quantity is the difference between Actual Count Quantity and Pre-Count Quantity.
This column displays the current available quantity for the select serial/lot.
This column displays the vendor warranty expiration date of the serial/lot.
This column displays the ID of the manufacturer of the serial/lot.
This column displays the name of the manufacturer.
This column displays the ID of the Manufacturer part.
This column displays the revision of the manufacturer part.
This column displays the ID of the vendor supplying the part.
This column displays the name of the vendor.
This column displays the ID of the vendor part.
This column displays the revision of the vendor part.
This column displays the serial number of the manufacturer or vendor part.
This column displays the lot number of the manufacturer or vendor part.
This column displays any notes entered regarding this serial/lot.
These columns display if you defined field labels on the Serial/Lot User Defined Labels screen.
This field displays Purchase Order if the serial/lot is associated with a PO number or Manufacturing Order if associated with an manufacturing order (MO).
This field displays the PO or MO number against which the serial/lot was originally received.
This field displays the PO release number against which the serial/lot was originally received.
This field displays the PO line number against which the serial/lot was originally received.
This field displays the bill of materials (BOM) configuration ID used to build the serial/lot.
This field displays the valid routing number for the item used when building this serial/lot.
This field displays the bill of material "as-of" date used when building this serial/lot.
This field displays the type of vendor warranty code provided by the vendor.
This field displays the date on which the vendor's warranty began for this serial/lot.
This field displays the type of warranty code provided to the customer.
This field displays the date on which the customer's warranty began for this serial/lot.
This field displays the date on which the customer's warranty will expire for this serial/lot.
This field displays the sales order tag number for this serialized item.
This field displays the sales order number for the maintenance provided to the customer.
This field displays the sales order release for the maintenance provided to the customer.
This field displays the sales order line for the maintenance provided to the customer.
This field displays the unique item identifier (UID) if any, for this item. UIDs are globally unique alphanumeric codes that allow the U.S. Department of Defense to track individual items.
This field displays the UID type.
This field displays the issuing agency code that identifies the agency that assigned the UID Enterprise Identifier.
This field displays the unique enterprise identifier code for the organization responsible for assigning the UID.
This field indicates whether the customer has purchased maintenance for this item (that is, the check box is selected) or not (check box is clear). When you create new serial/lot assignment, select this check box to indicate that maintenance is purchased for the item.
Click this button to have Costpoint load serial/lot information for the selected rows.
This button is not available for this screen.