Use Query to define search parameters for data records maintained by the present application. Query is available in form-type maintenance applications.
Using the fields on the Search Criteria group box, specify the parameters for your record search.
Using the fields in this section, select search criteria to narrow your search. You can enter information in one or all fields; however, the more parameters you enter, the narrower your search results.
The search criteria vary depending on both the application and the type of record for which you are searching for (for example, whether you are looking up an employee, voucher, or project). The search criteria vary by type of application. As an example of how Query search criteria works, we can look at the Manage Employee Information application. For this application, among the criteria available are Employee and Displayed Name. For both of these items, select from the center drop-down list one of the following relational parameters:
Is equal to
Begins with
In the corresponding fields on the right, enter values (partial names, letters, and/or numbers) that match the Employee and/or Displayed Name you are searching for.
To further narrow your search, in the third row, Status is, you can select from the drop-down list on the right one of the following options:
Family Medical Leave
Inactive Accruing Leave
After you enter or modify a parameter, click to preview the number of records Costpoint will return based on your current parameters.
Queries work in this way across applications, and include the following options:
The Query Tab contains additional parameters for your search.
In this section you can enter additional parameters. For example, on the Manage Employee Information screen, some of the parameters included are the following:
Adjusted Hire Date
Birth Date
Select a qualifier in the second field (for example, for City, you can choose Begins with). In the third field, enter the initial letters for the desired City (for example, "Chi" for Chicago). Click to add the parameter you have selected to the Return all records where: window. Repeat this process to add additional parameters to the Return all records where: window. You can then click
to preview the number of records matching your parameters, or click Query to display the actual records. Delete a parameter by highlighting it and clicking
Use the contents of this tab to arrange the display of your search results. For instance, on the Manage Employee Information screen, select from criteria like Adjusted Hire Date, Contractor, and Disabled Veteran for sorting your record results. Use the Up and Down Arrows to move a condition up or down in priority. You can delete a sort condition when you highlight it and click
From this drop-down list, select any field on which the result set should be sorted.
Ascending - Select Ascending if you want the results sorted in ascending order.
Descending - Select Descending if you want the results sorted in descending order.
Click to add additional sort parameters, using the Sort Records By and Ascending/Descending fields to filter your results.
The Saved Queries tab lists existing queries that have been saved by the user or the administrator for a given Costpoint application.
You can make multiple revisions to different saved queries without having to save each change beforehand. Click to retain all changes to the queries.
Click to clear the fields of the current query criteria from the dialog box.
Click to display the number of results that Costpoint will return based on the query as you structured it. If the resulting number is too large, you can further refine your Query parameters to narrow your search. You can then click Count again to display the new number of records Costpoint will return based on your refined parameters. You will still need to run your query to see a display of the records that match the criteria selected.
Click to display the Save Query dialog box and assign a Query ID and Query Name of your present query and retain it for later use.
Click to clear the fields of the current query criteria from the dialog box.
Click the Find or Query button to initiate the data search based on the parameters you entered. If the query returns more than one record, Costpoint displays the search results in a table. If the query returns just one record, that record displays in form-view format.
Click Close to exit the Query dialog box.