Project Budgets/EACs Status (APS1, APS3)

Use this screen to review budget and EAC status for all tasks under the direct project level selected in the Navigation. The columns include variances for Project, Version (for EACs), Status, Manager, and other Budget Status information. You can select which version of the report to display by selecting either Latest Version or All Versions option buttons.

Budget Type

If you selected the Budget or Variance report type, select one of the following from the drop-down list:

EAC displays in the drop-down list only if an EAC exists for the project.

Report Type

Select the type of report you want to display. Choose from the following options:


Select the version you want to display. Choose from the following options:

Project ID

Enter or click to select the project ID.


After you select the Project ID and set other report options, click to populate the Project grid. Click the Subtasks link to display lower level details.

The table below describes the columns that display for the Project and Subtask grid.

Column Headings



This column displays the project number.


This column displays the version number.

Proj Title

This column displays the project title.

Proj Manager

This column displays the name of the project manager.

Contract Type

This column displays the type of contract.


This column displays the EAC status.


This column displays the modifier.

Last Modified

This column displays the date when the budget or EAC was last modified.


This column displays the name of the approver.

Approval Date

This column displays the date when the project or EAC was approved.

Contract Start

This column displays the contract start date.

Contract End

This column displays the date when the contract will end.

Pds Rem

This column displays the remaining periods.


This column displays the amount of the funding.


This column displays the planned funding.

Negative variances display in favor of either actuals or budgets, depending on how Report Variances in Favor of is configured on the Display tab of Planning » Administration »Administration Controls » Configuration Settings (MAM10). If configured in favor of Actuals and actual costs are higher than budgeted costs, the variance displays as negative. The opposite is true if budgeted costs are higher than actual costs, and the variance displays as positive. However, for either Budgets or Actuals, profit and revenue variances are always opposite to the cost calculation.


This column displays the unplanned funding.

See note above regarding variances in the Planned column above.