Current Forecast (BPA16)

Use this screen to run a report that displays budgeted project profitability for next 12 months. The report incudes Monthly revenues, direct  and indirect component costs by month.

Budget Type

If you selected the Budget or Variance report type, select one of the following from the drop-down list:

EAC displays in the drop-down list only if an EAC exists for the project.

Budget Start Period

Click to select the budget start date.

You must provide information for all enabled fields in order for the report to run as expected, else an error message displays.


Select this option to combine all levels of detail for viewing, printing, or exporting. This option is disabled when only one level of detail is available.  

Project ID

Enter, or click , to select the project ID.


After you select the Project ID and other report settings, click the Details link to display forecast details. After the table opens, a link for the next level of detail displays.

Field descriptions for each level of detail are given in below.

Column Headings



This column reflects your labor account descriptions, your direct cost account descriptions, and your indirect cost account descriptions.

Labor and other direct cost account descriptions are linked to supplementary reports.

Bgt/EAC Total

This column displays the total budget or total EAC forecasted for the selected project.

Forecast Total

This column displays total forecast amount for the project.

Forecast Variance

This column displays total variances forecasted for the selected project.

Negative variances display in favor of either actuals or budgets, depending on how Report Variances in Favor of is configured on the Display tab of Planning » Administration »Administration Controls » Configuration Settings (MAM10). If configured in favor of Actuals and actual costs are higher than budgeted costs, the variance displays as negative. The opposite is true if budgeted costs are higher than actual costs, and the variance displays as positive. However, for either Budgets or Actuals, profit and revenue variances are always opposite to the cost calculation.

Bgt/EAC To Date

This column displays the current EAC forecasted for the selected project.

Actual To Date

This column displays the amount expended between a specified start time and the present. This value describes the total that has been actually realized, as opposed to the total that is planned.

Open Period

This column displays the open period data.

Prior Years

This column displays the prior years data.

Cur FY Forecast

This column displays the current fiscal year forecast data.

Future years

This column displays the future years forecast data.


Begins with the current month and shows data back six months.