Maintain Fiscal Year Periods (MAM8, MAM9)

This screen is only accessible to super administrators.

When a fiscal year pattern is changing, use this screen to change the end dates and to recalculate the Period, Sub-Period and Start Date fields.

For the purpose of quarterly reporting, you can also use this screen to change the quarter into which a period will default for a fiscal year. Any report that displays quarterly data refers to the application to determine to which quarter the data should be applied.

This aspect of the application is optional and necessary only if the quarter dates are not standard for a particular fiscal year. Costpoint Planning’s default logic populates the periods into quarters by dividing the total number of periods by four and adding any remainder to the fourth quarter.

The table below describes the columns that display for the Maintain Fiscal Year Periods table.

Column Headings


Fiscal Year

Use this column to enter or update the Fiscal Year.


Use this column to enter or update the period.

Sub Period

Use this column to enter or update the sub period.

End Date

This column displays the end date. Click to change the end date.


This column displays the quarter Use the drop-down list to change the quarter into which a period will default for a fiscal year.


This column displays the status whether it is Override, Future or History.