Post Install Setup

This setup allows the Super Admin to review and update the database tables as appropriate. This will ensure that the routine data integration processes and the product features properly reflect your unique accounting system installation and reporting preferences.

These post-installation steps must be completed in conjunction with your Costpoint Planning Administrator.

To start the Post Install Setup:

  1. Log in as the Super Admin.

  2. From Administration ยป Administration Utilities

  3. Click Post Install Setup. The Post Install Setup form displays.

The Post Install Setup is broken into the following steps:

Step 1: Import Initial Data

Step 2: Configuration Settings (MAM10)

Step 3: Import Basic Mapping

Step 4: Maintain Account Mapping (MAM1)

Step 5: Finalize Setup

You must complete a step before you are allowed to continue with the next step. If you go back to a previous step to make changes, the configuration setup will begin from that point and you will be required to complete the remaining steps again.

You can also stop the post installation setup at any step and later resume where you left off. Your progress is automatically saved when you log out of the wizard.