Use this screen to print an indented or single-level costed bill of material (BOM) for a selected range of assembly part numbers. You can also use this screen to update the total cost of assembly items by rolling up the cost of all components and adding any assembly this level costs. You can print the first-level components of the assembly, the entire indented BOM through all the levels, or an indented BOM through a specified number of levels. When the Use Engineering Bills of Materials check box is selected in the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen), you can use this screen to print either manufacturing bills of material (MBOMs) or EBOMs.
After you enter your specifications, click to generate this report.
Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.
You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options are also included in the saved parameter ID if there are any. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.
Enter, or click to select, a parameter
ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter
ID that help identify the type of selections you made in the screen, such
When you save your record, all the selections made in the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.
You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display in the screen, you can override the defaults.
Enter, or click to select, a parameter
description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.
Use this group box to select which assembly parts to include on this report.
Use the Option drop-down list the range of assembly parts to include on this report. The available options are:
All — Select this option to include all available records. The Start and End fields are disabled for this option.
One — Select this option to include only one record. You must enter that value in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
Range — Select this option to include a contiguous range of records. You must enter the beginning value for the range in the Start field and the ending value of the range in the End field.
From Beginning — Select this option to include all the records from the beginning of the available records to a specific record in the range. You must enter the last value for the range in the End field. The Start field is disabled for this option.
To End — Select this option to include all the records from a specific record to the end of all the available records. You must enter the value from which the range should begin in the Start field. The End field is disabled for this option.
Use the Start field to enter, or use to select, the starting assembly part ID for this range, as applicable. Use the adjacent unlabeled field to enter, or use
to select, the revision of the assembly part.
Use the End field to enter, or use to select, the ending assembly part ID for this range, as applicable. Use the adjacent unlabeled field to enter, or use
to select, the revision of the assembly part.
Use this drop-down list to specify whether to lookup Standard or Provisional parts in the Start and End fields. This field is automatically set to Standard when you select Manufacturing from the BOM Type drop-down list.
Use this group box to specify options you want to apply to this report.
Use this drop-down list to select which BOM type you want to include on this report. The available options are:
Manufacturing — Select this option to print the MBOM for the selected assembly part. You can only select standard components for this BOM type.
Engineering — Select this option to print the engineering bill of material (EBOM) for the selected assembly part. You can select either standard or provisional components for this BOM type. This option is enabled when you select the Use Engineering Bills of Materials check box in the BOM Corporate Settings block of the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen.
Use this drop-down list to specify the component levels of the assemblies to include in the summarized report. The available options are:
Single-Level — Select this option to include only the first-level components of this assembly.
Indented All Levels — Select this option to include all components of this assembly with their related level numbers.
Specify Levels — Select this option to explode components of this assembly up to a specific number of levels. Use the adjacent unlabeled field to enter the number of levels you want to include on this report.
Use this group box to specify which configuration to include on this report.
Use this field to enter, or use to select, the component effective date for the assembly. If you enter an As of Date, this report will include only those components with a starting effective date that is earlier than, or the same as, the as-of date and an ending effective date (if not blank) later than the As of Date.
Use this field to enter, or use to select, the BOM configuration ID for the selected assembly ID.
This field is enabled if you select the Use Configuration IDs check box in the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen and you select One from the Assembly Part/Rev Option drop-down list.
If you enter a configuration ID, the data on the report depends on whether that configuration ID appears on a given assembly line. If a line exists with the entered configuration ID, that line will print. If no line exists with the entered configuration ID, but there is a line without a configuration ID, the line without a configuration ID will print. If a line cannot be found that contains either the entered configuration ID or an empty configuration ID field, no line will print.
Use the selections in this group box to include or exclude certain types of components on this report.
Select this check box to include any reference parts and their components on the BOM.
Select this check box to include any tooling parts and their components on the BOM.
Select this check box to include any as-required parts and their components on the BOM.
Select this check box to include BOM requirements for anticipated scrap and yield losses.
Select this check box to include burden costs in BOM cost calculations.
Use this field to the lot size to determine planned costs for components that are used on a per-order basis. This is a required field if you selected Routings from the Make Part Cost Type drop-down list.
Use this group box to specify which cost options for make or buy parts to include on this report.
Use this drop-down list to specify which cost option to use for the costed BOM report for buy parts. The available options are:
Item Standard — Select this option to use item standard costs for buy part cost rollup.
Item Reference — Select this option to use item reference costs for buy part cost rollup.
Item Last — Select this option to use item last costs for buy part cost rollup.
Project/Item Standard — Select this option to use project/item standard costs for buy part cost rollup.
Project/Item Reference — Select this option to use project/item reference costs for buy part cost rollup.
Project/Item Last — Select this option to use project/item last costs for buy part cost rollup.
Inventory Average Actual — Select this option to use inventory average actual costs for buy part cost rollup. Selecting this option enables the Buy Inv Abbrev field.
If you selected Project/Item Standard, Project/Item Reference, or Project/Item Last from either the Buy Part Cost Type or Make Part Cost Type drop-down list, you must use this field to enter, or use to select, a valid project ID for determining project cost information.
If you selected Inventory Average Actual from the Buy Part Cost Type drop-down list, you must use this field to enter, or use to select, a valid inventory abbreviation for determining the average actual inventory cost for buy parts.
Use this drop-down list to specify which cost option to use for the costed BOM report for make parts. The available options are:
Item Standard — Select this option to use item standard costs for make part cost rollup.
Item Reference — Select this option to use item reference costs for make part cost rollup.
Item Last — Select this option to use item last costs for make part cost rollup.
Project/Item Standard — Select this option to use project/item standard costs for make part cost rollup.
Project/Item Reference — Select this option to use project/item reference costs for make part cost rollup.
Project/Item Last — Select this option to use project/item last costs for make part cost rollup.
Inventory Average Actual — Select this option to use inventory average actual costs for make part cost rollup. Selecting this option enables the Make Inv Abbrev and Assumed Order Lot Size fields. If you select this option, non-material costs will not roll-up to the assembly from components, but will be taken directly from inventory. This could create a situation where the non-material cost of a parent assembly may actually be less than a child subassembly.
Routings — Select this option to use routing costs in the make part cost rollup. Selecting this option enables the Make Inv Abbrev and Assumed Order Lot Size fields, as well as the Routing Options group box.
If you selected Inventory Average Actual from the Make Part Cost Type drop-down list, you must use this field to enter, or use to select, a valid inventory abbreviation for determining the average actual inventory cost for make parts.
Use this group box to update routing line labor and subcontractor costs for the assembly parts. Routing cost updates are available only for make parts.
Use this field to enter, or use to select, the routing number to use for cost rollup.
Select this check box to ignore material costs at the current level ("this-level" costs) when calculating material costs for assemblies. An assembly's material costs will only reflect those material costs that are rolled up from the components underneath it.
Use this group box to select which make part costs the routing costs will update.
Select this check box to use the routing to update the standard item cost. If the part does not have an S (Standard) cost type row in the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition, Costpoint will create a new row.
Select this check box to use the routing to update the reference item cost. If the part does not have an R (Reference) cost type row in the Manage Parts screen, Costpoint will create a new row.
Select this check box to use the routing to update the item standard project cost using the value in the Project field. If you select this check box, you must enter a value in the Project field. If the part does not have an S (Standard) cost type row in the Manage Parts screen, Costpoint will create a new row.
Select this check box to use the routing to update the item reference project cost using the value in the Project field. If the part does not have an R (Reference) cost type row in the Manage Parts screen, Costpoint will create a new row.
Select this check box to print routing line details on this report. The routing lines will print within the existing cost report, immediately after the cost information for the assembly or subassembly. This section will have its own column titles as in the layout. If no routings exist (or if no routing meet the selection criteria) for a particular assembly/subassembly, the routing column titles are suppressed, and "No routing meets the selection criteria" is printed instead.
Subtask |
Description |
Select End Item Configuration |
Click this link to open the Select End Item Configuration subtask and view serial numbers associated with the selected As of Date and/or Configuration. |