You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > Contacts > Setting up contacts

Setting up contacts

About contacts

Set up contact information for clients, vendors, and employees whom you plan to contact repeatedly.

  1. From the Setup menu, click Contacts.
  2. Click the New button.
  1. Type the contact's name, company, and title. The contact's name is optional.
  2. Enter the contact type.

The contact type is the category you want to associate with a contact. For example, you may have set up a contact type for all your banking representatives, so you choose it as the contact type for all the bank contacts that you set up. (If you do not see a contact type you need, you can add it through Setup > Contact Types).

  1. Type the first phone number for the contact. To the right of it, type a description for the phone, such as: cell phone, office phone, emergency only, and so on. Enter any additional phone numbers or a fax number in the remaining lines. Enter the city, state, zip code, and country.
  2. Enter fax, email, and website information, as applicable. To launch an email or connect to the contact’s website from this window, click the button to the right of the field.
  3. Click the Address tab.
  4. In the address box, enter address information in the first line and additional information in the other lines, as needed. For example, you might enter the street address in the first line and a building number and suite number in the remaining two lines.
  5. If you want to enter a mailing address that is different from the address you just entered, in the Mailing Address box, clear the Same as address check box. Type the mailing address.
  6. Click the Attachments tab and add attachments, by linking to related files. A linked file must be in a shared location for other people to open it (for example, on a shared network or a website).

  7. To enter any notes about the contact, click the Notes tab and type your notes. For example, you can note a favorite activity such as golfing or skiing, a family member’s name, or a favorite restaurant.
  8. Click Save.
  9. To enter additional contacts, repeat these instructions starting with Step 2.
  10. Click Close.

See also

Copying a contact



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